Saturday, July 28, 2007

changing the mental health law

"Great. See what's happening in the island? the Senate is working on amendments to the Mental Health law. I wish it helps people with problem drinking...and.." Pura did not finish her sentence.

Lifitng his eyes from a book Recupero said:
What you mean? I do not trust politicians. Only give lip service to caring for people."

With a long look at him, Pura recoiled:
"You surprise me. Often you are positive on things. What is going on?"-

"I'm not feeling well. I am trying too hard, I think"-

"Take it easy. You have gone a long way, You do not suffer the symptoms you told me about ...any longer, Don't you?" Pura the counselor spoke.

"I still do. But getting over them is a hard part of my life. I also feel down sometimes."

"You know yourself well. Good. You'll see how you'll feel better again."
-I am talking about the public hearings on the mental health law this week. Psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and patient groups will be telling Senators about what they want. Is'nt that great!"

Submitting to the idea Recupero softly said:
-if you say so....

"I found a psychiatrist's statements in the net. Let me write it the URL down for you.. Here. Perk up Rec."