"Let me read this to you, Recupero".
Pura Sobriedad still insists that he learn more about mental health. She knows he has suffered for many years a combination of conditions from which he, we hope, can recover.
"Mental illnesses are medical conditions that disrupt a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others, and daily functioning. Just as diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, mental illnesses are medical conditions that often result in a diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life.
Serious mental illnesses include major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and borderline personality disorder. The good news about mental illness is that recovery is possible".
"This is from the NAMI website. Does it make sense to you Recu?"
"It does. But let's read some other day. I am about to see my doctor soon today. Last time he said I was improving and he was startled that I am in the work therapy program. I feel much better and am going through the problems others face at work... I guess that's normal".
"One minute". She insists. "It goes on"
"The best treatments for serious mental illnesses today are highly effective; between 70 and 90 percent of individuals have significant reduction of symptoms and improved quality of life with a combination of pharmacological and psychosocial treatments and supports".
"OK. See you later". Recupero left in a hurry to catch the train to his doctor's office.